Muscle Cramp
A cramp is an involuntary and forcibly contracted muscle
that does not relax. Cramps can affect any muscle under your voluntary control
(skeletal muscle). Muscles that span two joints are most prone to cramping.
Cramps can involve part or all of a muscle, or several muscles in a group.
The most commonly affected muscle groups are:
- Back of lower
leg/calf (gastrocnemius)
- Back of thigh
- Front of thigh
Cramps in the feet, hands, arms, abdomen, and along the
rib cage are also very common.
Although the exact cause of muscle cramps is unknown
(idiopathic), some researchers believe inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue
leads to abnormalities in mechanisms that control muscle contraction. Other
factors may also be involved, including poor conditioning, exercising or
working in intense heat, dehydration and depletion of salt and minerals
Cramps usually go away on their own without seeing a
- Stop doing whatever
activity triggered the cramp.
- Gently stretch and
massage the cramping muscle, holding it in stretched position until the
cramp stops.
- Apply heat to
tense/tight muscles, or cold to sore/tender muscles.
To avoid future cramps, work toward better overall
fitness. Do regular flexibility exercises before and after you work out to
stretch muscle groups most prone to cramping.
Ares Kinesiology Bandinin Ana Fonksiyonlari
- Agri ve adale yorgunlugunu hafifletir.
- Inflamasyonu azaltirken, süperfisyal aktivasyon yolu ile sirkülasyonu ve
lenfatik akisi gelistirir .
- Adale gerilimi azaltma ve zayiflamis adaleyi güçlendirme yoluyla adale
fonksiyonunu düzeltir.
- Eklemlerin yanlis siralamasini düzeltir.
- Vücudu homeostaza
- Vücutla çalisarak
normal hareket imkanina izin verir ve arttirir .
- En uygun kuvveti
yaratmak için uzunluk/gerilimi normallestirebilir .
- Doku iyilesmesini
destekler ve gelistirir .
- Epidermal doku
homeostazini eski haline getirir .
- Mekanik
reseptörlerde inflamasyonu ve basinici düsürür.