Indigestion is common in adults and can
occur once in a while or as often as every day.
Indigestion can be caused by a
condition in the digestive tract such as gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD), peptic ulcer disease, cancer, or abnormality of the pancreas or bile
ducts. If the condition improves or resolves, the symptoms of indigestion
usually improve.
Most people with indigestion experience
more than one of the following symptoms:
- Fullness during a meal.
The person feels overly full soon after the meal starts and cannot finish
the meal.
- Bothersome fullness after a meal.
The person feels overly full after a meal—it may feel like the food is
staying in the stomach too long.
- Epigastric pain.
The epigastric area is between the lower end of the chest bone and the
navel. The person may experience epigastric pain ranging from mild to
- Epigastric burning.
The person feels an unpleasant sensation of heat in the epigastric area.
Ares Kinesiology Bandinin Ana Fonksiyonlari
- Agri ve adale yorgunlugunu hafifletir.
- Inflamasyonu azaltirken, süperfisyal aktivasyon yolu ile sirkülasyonu ve
lenfatik akisi gelistirir .
- Adale gerilimi azaltma ve zayiflamis adaleyi güçlendirme yoluyla adale
fonksiyonunu düzeltir.
- Eklemlerin yanlis siralamasini düzeltir.
- Vücudu homeostaza
- Vücutla çalisarak
normal hareket imkanina izin verir ve arttirir .
- En uygun kuvveti
yaratmak için uzunluk/gerilimi normallestirebilir .
- Doku iyilesmesini
destekler ve gelistirir .
- Epidermal doku
homeostazini eski haline getirir .
- Mekanik
reseptörlerde inflamasyonu ve basinici düsürür.