Tendinitis De Quervain's
Tendinitis (De Quervain's Tendinosis)
De Quervain's tendinitis occurs when the tendons around
the base of the thumb are irritated or constricted. The word
"tendinitis" refers to a swelling of the tendons. Thickening of the
tendons can cause pain and tenderness along the thumb side of the wrist. This
is particularly noticeable when forming a fist, grasping or gripping things, or
when turning the wrist.
Signs of De Quervain's tendinitis:
- Pain may be felt
over the thumb side of the wrist. This is the main symptom. The pain may
appear either gradually or suddenly. Pain is felt in the wrist and can
travel up the forearm. The pain is usually worse when the hand and thumb
are in use. This is especially true when forcefully grasping objects or
twisting the wrist.
- Swelling may be
seen over the thumb side of the wrist. This swelling may occur together
with a fluid-filled cyst in this region.
- A
"catching" or "snapping" sensation may be felt when
moving the thumb.
- Pain and swelling
may make it difficult to move the thumb and wrist.
- Numbness may be
experienced on the back of the thumb and index finger. This is caused as
the nerve lying on top of the tendon sheath is irritated.
The goal in treating de Quervain's tendinitis is to
relieve the pain caused by irritation and swelling.
Ares Kinesiology Bandinin Ana Fonksiyonlari
- Agri ve adale yorgunlugunu hafifletir.
- Inflamasyonu azaltirken, süperfisyal aktivasyon yolu ile sirkülasyonu ve
lenfatik akisi gelistirir .
- Adale gerilimi azaltma ve zayiflamis adaleyi güçlendirme yoluyla adale
fonksiyonunu düzeltir.
- Eklemlerin yanlis siralamasini düzeltir.
- Vücudu homeostaza
- Vücutla çalisarak
normal hareket imkanina izin verir ve arttirir .
- En uygun kuvveti
yaratmak için uzunluk/gerilimi normallestirebilir .
- Doku iyilesmesini
destekler ve gelistirir .
- Epidermal doku
homeostazini eski haline getirir .
- Mekanik
reseptörlerde inflamasyonu ve basinici düsürür.